There comes a time in every person’s life when their home needs renovation. In early years, the residence we keep is simply a roof that hangs over us while we progress towards the lifestyle we wish for. Once the dust has settled from financial strains and work demands, we learn that our living spaces are truly our safe havens. They are the treasured spots where we spend time with loved ones, entertain guests, take off our masks, and have some of our most intimate experiences. Perhaps the most personal room within this realm is the bathroom. Whether you’re upgrading yours for modernization, a change in style, or increased utility, it can be quite the process. Prior to getting started, here are a few things to keep in mind.
What’s Your Goal?
Why did you decide to have your Bathroom Remodel in the first place? Was it simply because you were in need of a makeover? Or are you looking for a more practical application, like installing a shower head or making things handicap-accessible? Extensive plans usually require help from an expert. If you’re going for a specific design, you should provide your contractor with inspiration photos and color samples that make it clear what you want the end result to look like. Whoever you hire can walk you through your options and what to expect.
What’s Your Budget?
Domestic updates can be pretty pricey, especially if you’re adding new fixtures and hardware. You’ll want to think about what your priorities are for this project and how to ensure they are met. It’s not a good idea to compromise quality when you’re dealing with construction near pipe systems. It’s always better to pay upfront for things things to be done right instead of footing the bill for major damages. However, there are some aesthetic materials that can be switched out for cheaper options that match your price range. Look online or visit your local home improvement store to browse potential products.
What’s Your Time Frame?
The next thing to consider is how soon you need this remodel complete. If you have a strict deadline for house guests or an upcoming event, it’s important to discuss this with your contractor in the very beginning. You may have to contact several people to find someone with the availability that you’re looking for. Just be realistic with your expectations. Invasive projects that require demolition may take a few weeks to complete.
What’s Your Code?
Every county has a set of rules that must be followed for any construction job. When it comes to lavatories, this may include things like proper ventilation or handicap access. Whoever you hire should already be aware of this, but it’s not a bad idea to familiarize yourself with the requirements in order to protect your safety. If you’re completing the work on your own, this is vital information you should know.
What’s Your Backup?
When you’re undergoing this transition, it’s possible that your bathroom won’t be available for use. Plan to rely on a different one until the process is complete. If you don’t have more than one toilet or shower in your home, find out if a nearby neighbor will lend you their facilities. If not, you may have to rent a port-o-potty or seek out public accommodations. Just like with any other concerns that you may have, a specialist will be able to help guide you through navigation while you’re on the road to the dwelling of your dreams.
Count on Handyman Connection of Pasadena to give your bathroom the beautiful makeover it needs. We specialize in all kinds of bath remodeling services whether it is small upgrades or complete remodeling. Contact is today at 626-744-0402 for a free quote! At Handyman Connection of Pasadena we specialize in bathroom remodeling and kitchen remodeling and can help you with all your questions whether they are about remodeling or smaller handyman jobs.