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Pasadena Remodeler

6 Timeless Bathroom Trends to Consider

The problem with getting the latest trends in bathroom remodeling, you end up with something that you may not love a few years down the line. If you want a bathroom that will last you for as long as you’re in the home, you may want to consider some of these timeless bathroom trends that never seem to go out of style. Handyman Connection of Pasadena has handled these projects for a long time, so our remodeling contractors in Pasadena can help you get the timeless look you are going for.

1. Subway Tiles

Subway tiles may be a popular and timeless trend for kitchens, but this can also be a great and timeless option for your bathroom. It’s a cheap and simple design that looks good no matter what else you do in the bathroom. However, you don’t have to just settle for white subway tiles. These options come in a variety of different colors and can set them in different patterns to add some of your unique style to this classic bathroom trend.

2. Black and White

Black and white may be a boring palette, but there is beauty in this simplicity. You can choose black and white tiles for the space in a variety of different designs so that you can get the personality that you want in the timeless style that will last you. Best of all, you can add pops of color in the space that can add extra personality in the space. You can repaint the areas when you want something fresh. You can have brightly colored and designed accessories in the space, like towels. You can really dress up your bathroom with color due to this neutral black and white palette.

3. Rain-Head Showers

If you’re like most people, you probably want that spa-like feeling every time that you step into the shower. Rain-head shower heads can give you that relaxing experience. These come in a variety of different options. You can find them with dual-heads so that you can get both the rain experience and the power of a regular shower head.

4. Getting a Free-Standing Tub

Free-standing tubs have come a long way since the classic clawfoot styles. While you can still get more modern clawfoot options, there are so many different types of free-standing tubs that you can invest in. These are a perfect option if you have the space in your bathroom because they add so much upscale and timeless style while giving you the relaxing function you want in a spa-like bathroom retreat.

5. Marble

When people think “high-end”, marble is usually one of the first things that they think about. Marble is a timeless choice that people love for their bathrooms. It can be a durable but very slippery option that could make your bathroom look amazing. You can use it on your countertops or you could use it for the flooring, however you will want to make sure that you invest in large mat to prevent slipping.

6. The All-White Bathroom Design

Bathrooms that are all-white tend to give off this appearance of cleanliness that people love for their bathrooms. This is a simple design that you can dress up with the accessories while still keeping it simple and clean. There are a lot of things that you can do with this all-white design to keep the simplicity while offering the personality and style you want.


If you are looking for a bathroom remodeling contractor in Los Angeles, Handyman Connection of Pasadena is the team for you. Contact us today at 626-744-0402 if you are in Los Angeles or Pasadena to see how we can make your dream bathroom a reality.

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