Kitchen Trends - May 10, 2022 - Consider the time you spend between the refrigerator, the sink, and the cooker. That is the triangle where most time is spent in the kitchen so; it is important to make sure when designing your kitchen layout that the space is optimized. Ideally these three stations should be a triangle. Food moves from the refrigerator to the sink and then to the cooker. Traditional kitchens were anchored around the sink and other features were placed in relation to the sink. Times have changed this somewhat with spaces becoming more compact and appliances more efficient.
Getting organized at source
In setting out the kitchen consider the sequence most common in preparing food. From the time of arriving home with bags of groceries, where will the bags be placed? It is convenient to have a work surface where the items can be unpacked and sorted prior to being packed away. It is always a good idea to try and do some initial sorting at the supermarket check-out counter. If you are conscientious about recycling and you have our own bags, then allocate specific bags for items like diary or meat and others for dry goods. It makes the sorting out when getting home so much easier.
Everything in its place
Start with unpacking the items destined for the freezer as this will prevent unwanted thawing of frozen food. Next the items like diary and vegetables that will be stored in the refrigerator. While we are dealing with refrigerator packing consider using containers that are square or rectangular in the fridge. They are far more space efficient than circular dishes. Containers that are clear make it easier for the contents to be identified and glass always has the advantage in keeping food fresh. Moving to items to be stored on shelves and in cupboards it is important to identify those items that need to be stored in dark places. Items like Olive oil need to be stored away from sunlight but also need to be close to the hob so cupboard space near the cooker is crucial.
Easy access and organizing
Drawers are so much more practical for under counter storage. They allow for easy access to items that would otherwise lurk in the very backwoods of hard to get to cupboard space. Modern drawer runners allow for easy opening and non-slamming closing. Similarly, cupboard doors can be fitted with self-closing hinges that prevent doors from slamming. It is worthwhile to store items together that tend to be used for specific uses. This can be either a group of items used for breakfast, like cereals or beverages like sugar, coffee, and tea. It is important for storage areas to be available for most kitchen items as an uncluttered worktop area is not only safer but more hygienic and efficient.
Separate and safety
While the weight of an individual plate is not significant when they are piled on top of each other it can become a challenge too great for the shelf to bear. Take care in storing crockery safely on shelves that have adequate support. Again, the ideal location for crockery storage is close to the cooker. Cutlery needs to be stored separated into knives, forks, spoons and should be kept away from utensils used for cooking such as egg lifters, ladles and other items used for cooking. Special care needs to be taken in storing knives to avoid injury. Possibly one of the most important items in the kitchen is the knife that is sharp so storing it in such a way that it keeps a good edge will make your time in the kitchen more enjoyable.
Take your time and weigh up the various options as you redesign your kitchen because it will make the time spent preparing food so much more enjoyable. So, when you sit down to finalize your kitchen remodeling needs, the experts at Handyman Connection of Los Angeles and Pasadena is only one call away at (626) 744-0402.